Friday, October 26, 2007

The SCMHRD Birthday Bash

Birthdays in SCMHRD always begin with ritualistic celebrations. They are the most awaited of events; spiced with fun, joy, laughter, revenge and plain old violence.

The ritual starts off with the preparation of the sacrificial lamb - in this case the birthday boy/girl. At 11:55, the roommates wish the lamb with a warm hug and a birthday greeting.

One minute later, the town criers arrive at the door. "MAAARRRROOOO!!!!" (Maro is a hindi word, which translated means "Hit Him"), they bellow. The cry echoes through the corridors and alerts all the souls to the upcoming ritual. This cry is uttered several times until a considerable "sena" gathers outside the door.

The lamb is then escorted down to the ground floor, to the place where the holy cake is placed. 


Last minute greetings are exchanged before the sacred, plastic (recyclable) knife is placed in the hands, err.. paws of the lamb.

While the cake is cut, the closest of friends stand close, so as to be the first ones to deliver the birthday kicks.


They will also be the first ones to be given a piece of the holy cake and they will also be the first ones to smear the cake on the lamb's face.

Then the lamb's face is smashed into the rich chocolate pastry and rubbed in, to ensure the butter softens the skin. (you need to look good on your b'day, right?)


Ritualistic rule #12: Do not spare any leftover cake. Ensure it is all on the lamb.


More kicking by some of the lamb's friends.
(Tip: Hold your butt tight. It mitigates the impact. So does the shorts inside the jeans)

Then is the water wash under the fire-hydrant.
(Tip: a nice way to get rid of the cake!)


Post event photos



Then the lamb goes back, battered and bruised, soaked and buttered back to its den. After a wash up, the closest of friends join in for another cake cut. This time, for eating.
(Tip: Cutting the cake with a dental floss rather than the knife keeps the cream in tact and gives a cleaner cut!)

So ends the ritual. A few more hugs and wishes may follow. Then comes the part where the phone calls must be answered.

Then finally, for those who wish to keep their room clean, there is the cleaning ritual. But that is entirely optional :)

More photos at:

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