Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The SCMHRD Entrepreneurship Cell Logo

On request of one of my close friends, I'm putting up the SCMHRD eCell logo which I designed about a year back.

There's a little history behind it as well. In 2006, we (the eCell) were trying to build a brand image. We needed a logo. And as most stories go, we too had some frustrating times in coming up with the logo.

It was on one afternoon, bored in one of the guest lectures, I took my notebook and drew the scmhrd square. In order to make a cube I drew another square next to it. For some reason I put three leaves on the corner of the topmost box. Hey.. this looks nice... Hey, wait a minute... then the words scmhrd and ecell went in.. Eureka!!!! (No I did not strip and run around the auditorium in classic Archimedes style)

After a few iterations the top square became smaller. We didn't want to make ourselves appear bigger than the institute... (not just yet).

Subbu (my director) did not approve of the logo. He wanted something more like a banyan tree.... with topics dropping from the leaves.... "Sir, we have an event tomorrow, so let's try it out as a beta. We'll change this logo after that"... and the logo stuck.

And now I have a new eCell member Devinder telling me he wants to change the logo. Well,... I don't mind. As long as it looks better than mine! If that does happen, then this post will be proof that such a logo once existed. (and you-know-who designed it :)

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